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Frequency Reprogramming Just a Few Clicks Away!

Re-farming is an issue that mobile operators know far too well, however until recently, not many good solutions existed to assist mobile operators in allowing the use of their existing products while also being able to adjust devices to new frequencies. When developing our new range of products, Coiler has placed this issue at the top of the list of importance. By offering intuitive software solutions to support our hardware, users can utilize two methods to quickly update frequencies after a re-farm occurs: NMS Infinity Allow users to perform a range of tasks such as firmware updates, frequency changes, alarm polling, and setting adjustments all remotely from the comfort of an office or control center. To utilize the convenience of NMS Infinity, a user must simply purchase Coiler units that have either RCU or RSU functionality, allowing them to take advantage of the convenient solutions mentioned above.Click here to find more information about NMS Infinity. OMTapp OMT solution is the on-site version of NMS Infinity, which allows users to make all of the same adjustments mentioned above, via USB. This solution is ideal for Engineers on-site who need to make quick setting adjustments, poll alarms, or change the operating frequency after a re-farm.Click here to find more information about OMTapp.
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